Corporate Finance
& Tax
CATC Group offers both Corporate Finance and Tax advisory services, providing solutions to complex financial matters that help you to make critical decisions for your organization. We are committed to delivering a carefully constructed plan, tailored to your individual situation.

Corporate Advisory to assist you in fine-tuning your business
into a healthier and more profitable one.
Business plans and (share) valuation
We’ll help you get your finances in order to prepare for a sale, get your finances presented the right way, and maximize your valuation price. Obviously the same goes around for buying, we help you analyze the finances, minimize risk, and strategically guide you in the process.
(Re)financing requests
Whether you want to clean up prior debt or raise capital for new business initiatives, we help you get your finances in order and present your business and numbers to potential investors in order to obtain funding.
Strategic Planning and Forecasting
Plan for the future by estimating your business’s future financial position and manage your working capital for daily operations, investments, as well as mergers and acquisitions.