Below are some highlights for this month.
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Upcoming deadline

This a friendly reminder about the provisional assessment cessantia 2023. June 30th is the deadline for paying the provisional assessment for the cessantia 2023. For every employee employed as of January 1 of the current year, an amount of Awg 40 must be paid to the SVb by the employer as a cessantia provision.
Kings Day in Aruba
On April 27 Aruba celebrated Kings Day! lKings Day is one of the most anticipated events of the year in the Netherlands and for good reason! From the vibrant orange outfits to the bustling street markets, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. We honor King Willem-Alexander and all who have served before him.
WeConnect with the exam class students of Colegio Arubano
On April 5th and 6th our colleague Joseph Loaiza discussed his study time at the University of Leiden and his experience in the Netherlands. Every year during this period WeConnect organizes a series of information sessions at the request of the schools on the island. This is an initiative of the WeConnect educational foundation that provides information on the choice of study for students after graduating.
Happy 5th work anniversary Nena!
On March 21 we celebrated the work anniversary of Marielena Tromp Gonzalez, who has been an integral part of CATC since she got here. CATC would like to thank you for all the hours you put in, the efforts you always make, and the help you are always ready to give us.