Below are some highlights for this month.
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Upcoming Deadlines

We would like to kindly remind our clients about the upcoming payments for Ground Tax. The third quarter payment of 25% over the assessment related to the period July – September (3rd quarter) payment date is due September 30, 2022. In the following document, you can find all information about the payments. If you have any questions, contact one of our Tax advisors.
International Happiness at work week at CATC
Happiness at work is about meaningful work, healthy relationships, development, and having fun. CATC celebrated Happiness at work week September 19 -23. Yade Health and many more organized a fantastic week for our employees. The week started of with the Mindfulness: Think happy thoughts workshop. Second day they had a workshop about superfood that boost moods. The third day our employees received a health check that included: body composition, physical fitness, blood sugar and a blood pressure test. The fourth day they did workshop for stress & recovery. And the last day they ended off with a Smile! Happy hour with drinks and good vibes.
“Did you know that when you do positive things and act positively, your mind starts to rewire to feel more upbeat?”
In every single daily encounter, we can choose the energy we spread.
Let’s Talk Tax
CATC would like to thank Piso Tres Aruba for having our colleague Joseph Loaiza, Manager of Tax & Legal as a panelist on their Ban Combersa session on September 14, 2022. Ban Combersa is about sharing, validating, and learning from unique information shared by people in our community. An inclusive and personal event in an informal environment where guests can share and ask questions to the panelists.
In the let’s talk tax session, they discussed a variety of tax-related topics. For example, all upcoming tax reforms, implications, upcoming tax changes, tips for new entrepreneurs, and more.
Follow Piso Tres Aruba Facebook & LinkedIn pages for upcoming panel discussions.
Felis Dia di Boneiru
Happy Bonaire Flag Day. On September 6, Bonaire celebrated its flag day. Bonaire flag day indicates the day when Europeans arrived on the island. Bonaire flag day is a public holiday across the island. All six villages on the island celebrate this day with a party.