Below are some highlights for this month.
Companies in Aruba are required to comply with the annual filing of their respective profit tax return.
This return should be filed within five (5) months after the end of the financial year. Companies having their financial year ending on 31 December 2021, would have until 31 May 2022 to file and pay their 2021 preliminary or final Aruba profit taxes
Congrats to our colleagues
CATC congratulates, Joseph D. Loaiza on his well-deserved promotion.
We wish Joseph all the best as he takes on his new position as Manager Tax & Legal and look forward to seeing him develop further as a tax professional.
CATC is excited to see Hannah Wever succeed in this new role as Senior Consultant Tax & Legal. We hope it is the start of all kinds of new opportunities and wishes her continued success in her career. Congratulations Hannah!
Welcome Missieanna
After a successful internship at our Aruba office, we are delighted to announce Missieanna Edwards accepted our offer to join the CATC Group team. Missieanna will be developing all internal and external marketing campaigns, producing content and creativity for our marketing projects and initiatives.
Yasira’s Babyshower
“A baby is born with a need to be loved and never outgrows it.”
-Frank A. Clark
We wish Yasira’s all the best for her and her baby to be. Wishing her and the baby a safe and healthy delivery.
For all of the latest news and updates from CATC,
please refer to our online News page.